Center for psychotherapy, psychodiagnostics, training and education
The mission of Neocortex is the care and treatment of the mental health of children, adolescents and adults. We specialize in individual, partner, family-system, and group therapy. The psychotherapy approaches we offer are Gestalt therapy, EMDR therapy (trauma processing), Family-Systems therapy, Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT) as well as play therapy for children, stimulation and developmental assessment. Our main goal is raising awareness and self-care, making positive life changes in the direction of psycho-physical well-being, health and satisfaction in the individual, but also work and support of families as a whole as an important system from which each individual originates.
What do we offer?
Our services include the following counselling and psychotherapy:
Individual therapy
Partner therapy
Family and Group therapy
Play therapy with children and assessment of development deviations
Psychodiagnostics and psychological testing
Assessment of the professional competences for youngsters
Trainings and psycho-education for clients
Specialized trainings for mental health area professionals
Personal growth, development and support during life decisions and crises

We will help YOU
to live a better life

We can help you with
Our services include psychological counselling and psychotherapy for:
Anxiety disorders, phobias and panic attacks
Depression disorders and postpartum depression
- Developmental deviations and disharmony in children (dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dyspraxia, dyslexia…)
- Social anxiety, shyness and low self-esteem
- Depressive disorders and postpartum depression
Coping with grief following a loss
Addictions and dependences
Obsessive-compulsive disorders
Sleep related disorders
Behaviour disorders and conduct disorders in children and adults
Partnership dissolution and marriage divorce
- Intellectual disability
- Development of emotional intelligence
- School difficulties in school children
- Autism
- Accepting and managing medical conditions and chronic diseases (rare diseases)
How can I schedule an appointment?
You can schedule an appointment on the phone during our working hours (10 a.m – 8 p.m), Monday to Saturday.
+(389)76 496 496

Founder and Director
MSc. Ivana Hadjivanova
Psychologist, Gestalt and EMDR Psychotherapist, Family-Systemic Counselor and Supervisor
The knowledge of human psychology is also used in the creation and maintenance of organizational and corporate trainings for companies and large companies, with the aim of improving the overall operation, performance and personal growth and development of employees, as well as prevention and treatment of mental health.

Verica Bakuleska
Psychodrama and Gestalt Psychotherapist under supervision

Marija Ivanoska
Psychologist, Family-System Counselor

Monika Kochovska
Special educator and rehabilitator, family system psychotherapy educator
Monika Kochovska is a special educator and rehabilitator and student of family and systemic psychotherapy.As part of the Neocortex Center, she works with developmental assessments, early intervention, individual treatments, group treatments, developmental stimulation, play therapy for children, support and guidance of parents.

Aleksandra Stefanovska
Licensed psychologist with education in Family-Systemic Psychotherapy, Gestalt Psychotherapy, Transactional Analysis and Psychodiagnostics.
At the Neocortex Center, she works with psychological counseling and psychotherapy with all age groups. She works with individual, partner and family sessions using a variety of techniques from the aforementioned educations and multiple psychotherapy directions.
Latest publications

Дали се забораваме себе во брзото време – Како жените да го најдат својот мир?
Во метежот и вревата на денешниот свет и брзото темпо

Дистрес во дигиталната ера – Какво е влијанието на социјалните мрежи врз самодовербата и менталното здравје на жените од сите возрасти
Во ова време на константна конектираност и дигитална интеракција, социјалните

Тренинг за ,,Стрес менаџмент” во рамки на обуката ,,Криумчарење на мигранти и други облици на транс-национален криминал” – ИОМ ОН
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